Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Picture Of The Lori aka Truck That Hit Me!

So this isnt a pic of the exact truck obviously but let me describe it. It was the size of the white one, with the style of the blue one, but it was green.

Oh, i also forgot to mention...the locals did get the ID # of the truck but i chose not to report it. I figured i was alright so no harm no fowl i figured. More importantly, i was told the driver probably drove the truck to the owner and said he didnt want to work for him any more; so the cops would arrest the owner most likely and he prolly didnt do anything. Also, the driver probably didnt stop because he didnt know how bad i was injured or if i was dead and depending on that, if he stopped a lynch mob probably would have killed him; or he may not have noticed he hit me.

Oh, and a lady almost got hit by a motorcycle when she was coming to help me!

F. Porter Nellans Jr. - From Kenya With Care

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